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HomeUncategorizedEngineering Manager – Job Description

Engineering Manager – Job Description

Engineering Manager – Job Description

Objective: To lead, guide, and ensure the efficient and high-quality delivery of software solutions while fostering team growth and maintaining technological excellence.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Specifications & Technical Documentation:
    • Collaborate with the Product Owner (PO) to develop clear and actionable feature specifications.
    • Ensure the availability of high-quality technical documentation, including technical architecture, API documentation, and relevant flow diagrams.
  2. Delivery Commitments:
    • Spearhead the scoping of sprints in conjunction with the team, using insights from the PO.
    • Uphold team commitments, ensuring proactive communication and timely action, especially when deliverables are at risk.
    • Ensure high-quality releases with a particular focus on regulatory compliance and security.
  3. Team Growth, Personalization, and Retention:
    • Facilitate the career growth of each team member, recognizing individual strengths, weaknesses, and interests.
    • Understand and, where feasible, accommodate the personal needs of each team member.
    • Champion the retention of team members within the organization.
  4. Technology & Technical Debt:
    • Ensure the team’s technological tools and practices are up-to-date and that technical debt is managed and addressed appropriately.
    • Balance product development with technical roadmap improvements, identifying opportunities to merge the two.
  5. Continuous Improvement:
    • Lead and refine the software delivery process continuously.
    • Foster clarity within the team, identify and address challenges, and align the team behind shared objectives.
  6. Additional Duties:
    • Perform other related duties as assigned by the Company from time to time.


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